eagle wo-ha'-li ear (my) tsi-le:-na early, first, as soon as
possible i-gv-yi-i earth, world e-ho-li east ka-lv-gv eat (something) ts-gi?-a, I am eating ( a single thing);
hi-gi?-a, You are eating ( a single thing) eat (have a meal) ga-l(i)-s-ta-yv-hv'-s-ga (I am having a meal),
ha-l-(i)-s-ta-yv-hv'-s-ga (You are having a meal) egg, eggs u-we:-tsi, tsu-we:-tsi eighteen ne-la-du-(i) eighth tsu-ne'-li-ne'-(i) eighty ne'-l'-s-go eleven sa-du-(i) elm da-wa-tsi:-l(a) elsewhere u-ts-ti'-n(i)(a) emit, leak, burst out with ga-ta-s-gi-(a) evening sv-hi:-ye excellent, best, of the best
kind wo:-sv, singular; wi-do:-sv plural. Both can
mean either things, animals, or people eye (my) tsi-k'-to'-li fabric, cloth a-hnu-wo, di-hnu-wo; clothes,
di-hnu-wo famous, honored, high,
prominent ga-lv-la-di far off, a long way from here in
time ge?-i:' farm ga-lo-ge:-sv fever a-gwa-di-tle-hv-s-ga fine, good or well o:-s-da finger (my) tsi-ye'-sa-dv firecracker a-s-ta-yo'-s-toh-di fish as a verb a-su?-di fish as a noun a-tsa-di flower, blossom a-tsi-lv'-s-gi forest, wood, woods a-doh fork yv'-gi fox tsu'-(t)la French (people) A-ni-ga-lv'-tsi friend (my) o-gi-na-li-i Friday (for them to wash) tsu'-n'-gi-lo:-s-di fruit u-da-ta-nv
a-gi:-s-di Germans A-ni-da'-tsi gift a-da-hne'-d(i) girl a-ge-(h)yu-tsa give (as a gift) gv-ne-ha glad, rejoice, happy, grateful,
delighted (g)a-li-e:-li-ga glass (drinking glass) u-lv'-sa-di glove a-li-ye'-su-lo go (verb) ge:-ga goat u-na-k(a)-so?-tsa-ne-dv good (better) wo:-sv-na good-bye do-na-da'-go-hv-(i) goods, merchandise, price,
wager tsu-gv-hwa-hl'-di goose, swan sa:-sa grain, seed, pit u'-g'-ta Grandfather (my) a-gi-du'-da Grandmother (my) a-gi-li'-si grape te-lv'-la-di gravy a-su:-s-di grease or oil go?-i' green i'-tse-yu'-s-di groundhog o'-ga-na' grow fatter ga-l'-tso?-v'-s-ga grow taller ga-tv'-s-ga hair (a single hair) u-gi:-tli hair (my) a-g'-s-ti-gv-i hand (my) a?-wo-ye:-n(a) hand or pass me de-s-kv'-si half, middle, fifty cents a-ye:-tli ice u-ne:-s-ta-lv immature, childish, uncompleted,
scanty ga-yo'-tli inch i-ya si?-ta-dv in-law (my) a-gi-lo:-si(yv) Indian, American Indian tsi-yv'-wi-ya, I am an Indian, I originate
truly, of the real people January u-no-lv'-ta-n(v)(i) job, workers tsu-ni-lv:-w(i)-s-ta'-nti join de-ga-ti-tlv-s-ga, I am joining
them joint a-gw'-ti'-tlv July Gu-ye-quo:-ni jump de-ga-l'-ta-de:-(ga), I am jumping,
de-ha'-hl'-ta-de:-(ga) June De-ha-lu'-yi jurors, a jury a-ni-su-li just, already ki-lo-wu knife a-ye'-l-s-di know (how to) a-qua'-n(i)-ta know (as in understand) go'-li:-g(a)(i) love, I love you gv-he-yu-i lamp, light bulb a-tsv'-s-di last o:-hni later, later on, soon tlv-tlv-yv lawyer di'-ti-yo'-hi-hi' man a-s-ga-ya many, much, very many, very
much s-qui:-s-di marine (member of the Marines) a-ma'-yi-ha-wi'-ni'-e-do'-hi meal a-l'-s-ta-i-d(i) medicine nv-wo-ti near, close na?-i nestling (baby animal in a
litter) a:-da-(ge) new i'-tse now (right now) hna-quu number a-se:-s-di Osage A?-sa:-s(i)(a) out of doors do'-yi owl u-gu'-ku panther tlv-da-tsi' peach qua-na pear di-ga-dv:-d(i) plant tsi-wi-sv:-s-ga possum si-quu:-tse-ts' quail gu'-que quarter (twenty-five cents) gi-nu?-di quit tsi-su-la-go:-ga raven go-la-nv' river e-quo-ni road nv-no-hi rock nv-ya round ga-so'-qua-lv salt a:-m(a') Saturday (they go out) (u-na)-do-da-wi-de:-na shoot di-s-da-yo:-s-di skunk di?-li star no'-qui-si this, that hi?-a thread, yarn, string a'-s-di today go-hi tree tlu'-kv truth du-yu'-k'-dv unconscious na-qua-n'-ta understand, know go'-li:-g(a)(i) unripe, raw a-go:-s-di veer off, turn in a new
direction ga-tle:-ya velvet, slick cloth da-wi'-s-ka-ge a-hnu-wo very, certainly, truely do:-yu west (where it is hidden) u-de-li-gv what (as in did you say) hv?- (pronounced huh) who? ka:-ga why? do'-hv? wolf wah-ya yard su-tli-lo-dv (can also mean a mile or a
gallon) year u-de:ti-yv-da yes v:-v your (plural form) i-tsa-tse-li